Contributing to Church funds
1. Those who come to worship can leave envelopes or money in the collection baskets as they leave Church.
2. Anyone can set up a Standing Order directly to our Church bank account using sort code: 98-12-90 account number: 33191057 It is suggested that monthly contributions are preferable to reduce bank fees. If you need assistance with this please contact our Treasurer, .
3. Anyone can make one-off bank transfers using the bank details above.
4. If you would prefer you can use Give As You Live Donate link. (there is a small fee for using this facility that will slightly reduces your contribution.)
5. You might like to remember Seagoe Parish in your will. If you would like to discuss options please contact the the Parish Treasurer or one of the Clergy.
6. Anyone can make a contribution using the card reader in Church.
7. If you are a UK tax payer the Parish can claim back the tax you have already paid on your donations, this will increase your gift by 25% at no cost to you. A Gift Aid form is available from the Parish Office.