Fellowship Groups

We strongly encourage all our parishioners to take part in a fellowship group.  These groups provide an opportunity for people to gather together for informal Bible study, fellowship and prayer.

The groups run on different evenings in a variety of homes and parish venues.  A host looks after the practicalities of the meeting and a leader coordinates the leading of the sessions.  Members can engage as much or as little as they like and noone is put on the spot to participate.

No previous Bible knowledge is required as meeting enable us to learn from one another.

Currently we are not able to meet together so we are offering on-line resources for study and the option to join together via zoom meetings.  We have two possibilities at the moment:

The Alpha Course is primarily directed towards those who are seeking to know more about the Christian faith, or who are new to the faith.  For further information click this link. https://www.seagoe.co.uk/parishnew/diocesan-alpha-course-27th-april/

The Bible Society’s Bible Course is for those who would like to grow in their knowledge of the overall teaching of the Bible and its relevance for us today.  For further information click this link. https://www.seagoe.co.uk/parishnew/the-bible-course/