New Staff Team

Staff changes

Wednesday 23 August 2017We are delighted to welcome Jim Flemming as our Outreach Worker and Church Planter.  Jim, originally from Willowfield Parish Belfast, commenced with us at the start of August. Jim will primarily focus on the Killicomain area of the Parish.


Rev. Stuart Moles will be ordained Presbyter (Priest) on Sunday 27th August at 4.00pm in Down Cathedral, and will then join the Parish staff the next day.  Everyone is encouraged to attend Stuart’s ordination.

Stuart is from Shankill Parish, Lurgan and before training for the ordained ministry worked as a Youth Worker in Ballybeen Parish, Dundonald.  Stuart will have a particular emphasis on the development of our ministry to children, young people and young families.


Rev. Raj Sathyaraj, who has been working with us as Curate for the past 6 years will take up a new half–time post from September for one year.  Raj will focus in particular on the development of our ministry to more senior people.


Please pray for this new ministry team that we we will be equipped and guided by God’s Holy Spirit as we seek to enable the Church to develop its ministry.